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White Chocolate and Matcha Popcorn


Do you like eating popcorn while you watch TV? Why not give this new flavour a go! Make sure you set the popcorn in a fridge or freezer to create a nice crunchy texture. 


Serves:                                            2

Preparation and cooking time: 10 minutes




1/2 block (125g) of white chocolate (I use Whittakers White Chocolate block)

1/2 tsp matcha powder

1/4 tsp flaky sea salt

50 g dry corn kernels

Extra matcha powder for dusting (optional)




  1. Cut the white chocolate block using a knife and place in a glass bowl.
  2. Place the bowl on top of a small pot with simmering hot water. Once the chocolate starts melting, stir with a wooden spoon until nice and smooth, then add matcha powder. Mix well and set aside.
  3. Place a large wok over a high heat and add corn kernels. Place a lid on top and wait until the corn starts to pop! It took me 4 mins until all the corn had popped. 
  4. Transfer the popcorn into the chocolate bowl and coat evenly with the matcha white chocolate.
  5. Spread on a tray with baking paper, sprinkle sea salt and set in a fridge or freezer until the popcorn becomes nice and crunchy. 
  6. Dust with extra matcha powder before serving.





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